Monday, December 1, 2008

The power of Thy name.

"Armed with the power of They name, nothing can ever hurt me, and all the world's afflictions can in no wise alarm me."
- Baha'u'llah

A mantra to repeat when the world is falling apart around you.
A prayer to sing when the cut is deep.
A cry of humbling love to fill you with strength.

A phrase which helped me through so much. And is needed to help again.

At least I have the perspective to realize, see, and understand that there is much worse hurt than a little heartbreak. And that with every heartbreak, there is a new beginning. A new beginning that builds on the last one, that accepts what was good and bad and moves forward, wiser.

Even with all that perspective, it still hurts. It won't stop the stomach ache, the feeling that your chest is being torn apart. It won't keep the tears from falling, keep the pain at bay, or the desire to sleep the rest of your life away.

And so, when I am trapped in that painful downward spiral of heartbreak, all I can do is pray:
"Armed with the power of Thy name, nothing can ever hurt me, and all the world's afflictions can in no wise alarm me."

Thank you Devon Gundry, for putting my favorite, most used quote into a song for me to sing.

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